I want to put a date in the column from uipath

hello i would like to put a format date from uipath, if before read the excel only 1 colum change the value to short date after to save in the data table

Hi Buddy,

you can use Tostring() to format the date variable.

Ex. Today.ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”)

use lower case ‘d’ for day
dd: 08
ddd: Tue
MM: 04
MMM: APR etc

Cheers buddy.


ok but if i had a dates like this

but there are data general i want to change in the same excel to format date short

try this:
or for string

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First I would like you to check the date format you are getting once after reading the excel with Read Range activity

  1. So use a read range activity and get the output as dt

  2. Now use a simple writeline activity and mention like this

dt.Rows(0)(“date columnname”).ToString

This will show the date and it’s format in output panel

  1. Use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass dt as input

  2. Inside the loop use a assign activity like this

Choose any of the below expression based on the date and date format you are getting

If the format is like this
16/12/2021 00:00:00

Then assign activity will be with this expression

CurrentRow)”date ColumnName”) = Datetime.ParseExact(CurrentRow(“date ColumnName”).ToString.SubString(0,10).Trim,“dd/MM/yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dd.MM.yyyy”)

If the format you see in writeline is like this
16.12.2021 00:00:00 or just 16.12.2021

Then assign activity will be with this expression

CurrentRow)”date ColumnName”) = Datetime.ParseExact(CurrentRow(“date ColumnName”).ToString.SubString(0,10).Trim,“dd.MM.yyyy”, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dd.MM.yyyy”)

Note; you can get to any format you want by mentioning that atlast in .ToString(“date format”)


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