Any examples for Form.Activities?


Anyone has a chance to create some examples on Form.Activities ( Checkboxes,Drop-Down-List …etc).
I managed to create one XAML example, but I face the following Issues :
1- Data are duplicated in the “Drop-Down-List”
2- Not able to get the output from “Gendre” & “Country” in Msg Box


Attached is my example. Thanks in Advance (25.0 KB)

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You might be using controlname.ToString which will return the type of the control but not the value.

You have to use the following way -

checkBox1.Checked.ToString will return the checked value
dropDown1.Selected.ToString will return the selected value

Karthik Byggari

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Thanks @KarthikByggari, I have changed the variables as per your recommendation , but still get the following error : (3.1 KB)

Okay. Let me check.

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This is the (25.0 KB)

Hello @KarthikByggari, Any Good News? :slight_smile:

Hi @hsendel

While running your workflow I am getting a strange error. (related to pipe)
Let me check one more time.

Kartheek Byggari

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Yes Please

Just to add that the following :

UiPath.Form.Activities requires a minimum UiPath Studio version of 18.4

My Uipath version is 19.4.4

I am using the latest version. But let me assist you w.r.t error.

Karthik Byggari

Yes Please, My Issue since more than one month

Hello @KarthikByggari, any good news?

Sorry, didn’t get time yesterday. I will definitely look today.

Karthik Byggari

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Hello @KarthikByggari, Any update?

Getting some error pipe error (communication error) when try to open the form activity.
Do you got the same error and do you know how to resolve that error.

Karthik Byggari

can you share the error message?

Currently I do not have access to laptop. I will send you as soon as possible.

Karthik Byggari

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Hello @KarthikByggari, any update ?

I create registration forms, it has Create, Read and Update. my back end is Ms SQL.

Uipath Forms playlist with multiple usecases

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