Add Entity to the App

Hello. I have a problem when I try to add an entity to my App. Can anyone tell me where I’m wrong?
I have an entity named Config
I have granted rights in Manage Access, to me:

I am in Tenant/Manage Access:

Thank you.

Hi @vicentiu.mincior - welcome to the forums!

Did you try assigning the same role to your App?

Hello. Yes, I’ve tried but I did’nt find me in the list. Maybe becouse I’m the owner of app?
It seems to be logical the owner has granted access by default.
I tried to change the owner with someone else. This solve the user in list but not my problem:

Did you try connecting Data Service with Apps on your own?
I’ve tested with a new user on community license and it works without any setting
I’m on Enterprise license on trial period.
I’ve created a new ‘DefaultTenant’ but no succees.
Thank you.

Yes, by default the creator is the owner.

Yes, I did not have any issues in the Default Instance.

If you switch to Data Service and under Entities >> Manage Access >> Roles Tab, view the assignments for the Administrator role, you will see that they don’t have View or Access permissions by default:

For the purposes of the test, assign the two permissions as seen here and see if it helps your case.


Hello. Indeed, you’re right. Administrator do not have that permissions. But, I can not edit them (I am organizational admin).
I’ve created another one with all permissions, and assigned this role to Administrators Group.
Not working.

Sorry, I’m a bit confused. But, how did you add the “Data Service Admin Role” to the Administrators Group in Data Service without editing the Administrator Group?

Because, if you Edit the Administrators Group, you should be able to assign the built-in roles (in this example, Designer and Data Writer) as shown below:


I already tried with the built-in roles and didn’t work.

“Sorry, I’m a bit confused. But, how did you add the “Data Service Admin Role” to the Administrators Group in Data Service without editing the Administrator Group?”
I edited Administrator Group, adding built-in roles and the new created ‘Data Service Admin Role’

I tried to remove me from Entities/Manage Access/Assign Roles and, surpise:

It is possible, back in time made such an operation. Becouse, on Community account (other) it works.