Getting below error while activating Community Edition:
Activation failed with error: -1
Error description: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0.
License status:
Getting below error while activating Community Edition:
Activation failed with error: -1
Error description: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0.
License status:
Hello @Sourabh_Thorwat,
Welcome to the Community!
It’s Enterprise or Community edition?
At which step error occurs?
It’s Community edition. I am getting error while activation after installation.
Thanks for your attention
Have you used before any trial key on same machine?
This is the first time I am installing UiPath on my system
Try this solution:
Did all this twice. But still same error
And your email address you are writing during activation is the same you have requested the studio right?
Please also check this:
Please check if you are using proxy and it’s correctly configured.
Yes. I am using same email address.
Seems that your proxy is blocking connection to UiPath activation site. You need to add exclusions for it or so it will not block our sites.