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I am trying to login using my salesforce credential in salesforce application scope but it shows me invalid connection when I click test connection.

@Rammohan91 You are expert on Salesforce… would you like to help… SAGAR

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Actually I am new now but after hands on it I would like to work.

Thanks @rkelchuri, I replied to his PM. :slight_smile:

Hello to all the wizards
New user of Uipath and new user to SF.
Tried to follow the UIpath Tutorials of Cristian and I ran in the same problem as above. It is my belief that the error lies with the call back URL.
How can I retrieve the call back URL?

did you ever figure it out? im having the same issue

was this issue ever resolved? Im getting the same exact error

do you know how to fix this @rkelchuri

provide me the details