Salesforce Application Scope Error

Hi All,

I have migrated my UiPath code from legacy to windows and replaced salesforce activities. Currently, I’m using Salesforce Application Scope activity and it suddenly stopped working with error - invalid grant, Authentication Failed. After migration it still worked but since yesterday it stopped working with the above mentioned error.
Below fields are being used to establish the connection:
consumerkey, securitytoken, consumersecret, username, password, servername
Used - UiPath.Salesforce.Activities - 1.9.3

PS - In legacy with same credentials, bot is able to establish connection with Salesforce. so credentials are correct.

Any help would be appreciated


This has always been an intermittent issue in Salesforce. What I have done is to just add a retry with delay in case the error on authentication happens.

Another option for you is to switch to the integration activities under the DAP (Dynamic Activity Pack) connectivity is much more stable. Only issue at the moment is that if you have any field with special characters then object update/creation in Salesforce runs into error.

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