Abbyy flexicapture connector for uipath and intelligent ocr

I am exploring on Abbyy Flexi capture integration with Uipath and found we can integrate by using intelligent OCR and Abbyy Flexi capture Uipath connector.

Can you please give the details

  1. Whether “Abbyy flexi capture to Uipath connector” and “intelligent Ocr” are the same or different.
    If different, please provide the difference.
  2. Does intelligent OCR will work, If SDK installed on other machine or server.
  1. they are totally difference.
  2. ABBYY Flexicapture connector only working for product ABBYY Distributed and this product is server side.
    Intelligent OCR only working for product ABBYY Standalone nad this is client side. (i haven’t try it, maybe i am wrong).


Hi Indra,
Please correct me, if my understanding is wrong

By using the Abbyy Flexi capture connector, we can able to connect the only ABBYY Distributed product not a standalone product. So Uipath is not required to install on the same machine and we can able to access the ABBYY from any machine where as for Intelligent OCR, Uipath studio has to be installed on the same machine in order to connect abbyy Flexi capture.

Do we get trial version or free version for both ABBYY product.


your thoughts is correct and you need to contact ABBYY to get trial version.

Do you have any sample project or examples for Intelligent ocr or Abbyy flexi capture.

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  1. sample of flexicapture connector

  2. sample intelligent ocr
    I haven’t try but UiPath have webinar about this. please search it.

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I am new to Abby Flexi Capture. My task isto connect Uipath to Abbyy Distributor using Connector without using Orhcestrator. I successfully installed distributor and make connecting between Connector and Abbyy but when pass the document I am getting the below error:
Please ensure that the option ‘Enable web station’ is enabled in workflow stage properties.


go to ABBYY server → open Processing server → add station

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Its already added see the screen shot

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I never have that error, please refer to this link “Editing stage properties” hope u find your answer.

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In project setup station - Click on Project tab - Project properties - Workflow - there you will see “Enable to Web Station”- check this option and re run the Bot.

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can you please help me on to connect abbyy to uipath.

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What is the issue and Are you using Flexi Capture Standalone or Flexi Distributed?


While i connect to the abbyy flexicapture connecto in secure cooprate network, i get 407 proxy authentication error. But it works secure network. How can i by pass this proxy, so that i can run the bot in secure network. Any suggestion.

someone had the same issue as you.