Hi All,
I’m extracting a text from image which is less in pixel size so OCR is returns some garbage values if i some in the picture pixel is also increasing and image is clear at that it was extracting correctly !! so i want to zoom the image by using scrolling up and down how can i achieve this help me to get out of this.
How to perform scroll up and down in image to zoom in windows photo viewer
I’m using tesseract ocr because other than this all ocr returns empty string only , so tell me something which works for tesseract ocr.
Accuracy is 0.8
And scale is 2 I think so
How can I improve in better way
For Send Hotkey activity just write “+” sign into the “key” section. You don’t need to find it in dropdown list.
Regarding engine - it depends of image which is used to OCR. I can’t tell you which exact engine you should use. You need to experiment to choose the best one with good option settings for your image.
Have you indicated the window of photo viewer application for Send Hotkey activity? Make sure also that it’s opened in with the image already when you are starting the process. I have tested it and it is working perfectly.