The desired table is as follows:
After scrolling the mouse on this element, I want to get the information in the table below.
I extracted the table using the extra table function, but the problem is that it doesn’t work on other pages of the same format.
I want to extract only the table information below from the first element, what should I do?!
You can’t see it on the screen, but there are more tables at the bottom. I want to read the information in the table, too. If that’s impossible, I’d like to read the letters from the table on the screen.
I’d appreciate your help.리그%20오브%20레전드발로란트배틀그라운드동물의%20숲
(Anil Gorthi)
February 7, 2023, 3:31am
So please use this selector in your table extraction
<html app='chrome.exe' title='*' /> <webctrl tag='TABLE' parentclass='qYoqha5U I-ibKx+f' />
This is for first table…I checked on 3 websites parent class is not changing…so try identifying similar selectors for other tables you need as well
Hope this helps
There’s this way.
By the way, can you tell me where to input this in an image?!
Thank you so much! I’ll try and see if I can succeed.
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I did as you told me, but there was no response. Why is that?!I did as you told me, but there was no response. Why is that?!
(Anil Gorthi)
February 7, 2023, 2:27pm
can you place the selector in ui explorer and check if it is valid…
if yes…then did you first use extract datatable and did a extraction and then changed the selector?
or did you directly paste the selector without any extraction?
You have to first indicate once and then change
I didn’t understand this. Help me.
Can you tell me through the image?