Write String variable value to an Google Sheet cell with Incremental feature

Hi, I created an automation script using “For each Row in spreadsheet” activity. Inside it, I placed browser activity > Type into > Extract table data > Assign > Write cell (Google sheet).
There’s a google sheet with some store names, each name typed in google and scrape search results into a data table. Then using the Assign activity. I get the index of a specific company name and assign the index number to a string variable.

position = (ExtractDataTable.AsEnumerable().ToList().FindIndex(Function(row) row.Field(Of String)(0) = “STORE_NAME”) + 1).ToString()

I use a “write cell” activity to write the index number back to the spreadsheet. The issue with the current flow is that the “position” value get replaced in cell B2 each time.


I need to use an incremental way to write the “position” value. (eg. iteration 1 write to B2, Iteration 2 write to B3… etc)

Hi @ramitha138

You can try this way,

Assign an integer variable with a value of 1 outside the ‘for each’ loop. Inside the loop, increment this variable. Then use this variable in the ‘write cell’ action.”


Gowtham K