Write extracted data in to 1 excel sheet

Hi i have a few data table from email being extracted and i need to write it into an excel but for each data table i want it to continue on the same excel sheet and not over writing the previous record , how can i do that ? i attached an example of how my excel should look like below


hii @xiangyun.koh

you can use append range activity
you can use Build data table activity and add data row activity to add the data , and then finally write into excel


Hi @xiangyun.koh,

If you want to write the data for all the email in one go you can use build data table (dt) and add the email extracted data into dt in loop and after loop end write the dt into excel.

If you want to write the data into excel one by one of each email you can use the append range activity inside the loop.


You will have to use Append Range to write data to excel. But remember this will not add headers to the excel file if there no headers already.

Ashok :slight_smile:

if you decide to use append range, incase in your extract data table if its comes along with header . if you want to remove that header. you can use the below syntax.

you can use this in assign activity


hope it helps!!!