Hi team,
I am extracting email id i have excel with column name email id, now i want to enter all email address one by one in that column how can i do that can anybody help me plz
in data table i am extracting name of candidate and for email address i am using get text
ExtractCandidateData.xaml (37.4 KB)
In this code how can i write mail id can you help me with that please
Where do you want to enter all the email addresses?
in email address column
which is in excel
Follow the steps.
Read the data in excel into datatable…
2. If a column for email is already present then go to step 3 else use add data column
3. Then in thd loop…use assign currentrow("email") = extractedvalue
4. Use write range and write the data back to excel
allredy not present
Then in step 2 use add data column and add the required column to datatable . Remaining steps are same
Hi anil i am fail to that
please help me out
ExtractCandidateData.xaml (42.4 KB)
I am sharing my code here
I am featching the email id of each candidate in for using gettext method now i want to store that into excel with column name Email Address
please guys help me out on urgent basis
Use Write cell with Index from the for loop to change the value of the cell instead of readign whole data to Datatable
"B" +(Index+1).Tostring
This is writing data in excel but not in proper way
In my excel i have header as EmailId in write cell i am using below code
“B”+int_index+1 due to that it will start writing emailid from header itself its removing heder
ExtractCandidateData.xaml (46.1 KB)
here i am sharing my code and let me know where to write write cell activity to store the REQ number in excel
I have try to wtrite after featching REQ number but it showning error that “You can use write cell activity in excel scope only”
and i am triying to write write cell activity for req number after code invocation but after code invocation i am unble access variable int_REQID please help me out as soon as poosible
You have to pass the int_reqid as an argument to outside and then use write cell to write it…
If you create a variable it wont be exposed to the invoked file…so pass it as an argument and then use write cell in ypur main for loop
yes its working for mail id now