Write DataTable based on a column

Hello guys,

I have an Excel sheet in which it should only read and write the data to next excel if it is having remarks.

Example above

It should only read and write data containing status


  1. Read Excel File:
  • Use the “Excel Application Scope” activity to read the Excel file.
  • Within the scope, use the “Read Range” activity to read the data from the desired sheet.
  1. Filter Data:
  • Use the “Filter Data Table” activity to filter the data based on the remarks column.
  • Configure the activity to filter rows where the remarks column is not empty.
  1. Check Filtered Data:
  • Use an “If” activity to check if the filtered data table has any rows. You can use the Rows.Count property to check the row count.
  1. Write to Another Excel File:
  • If the filtered data table has rows, use the “Write Range” activity to write the filtered data to another Excel sheet.


  1. Read Range (Input Excel file path) → Output: dtInput

  2. Filter DataTable (Filter condition: “Remarks <> ‘’”)

    • Use the “Filter DataTable” activity to filter rows where the “Remarks” column is not empty.
    • Output: dtFiltered
  3. Write Range (Output Excel file path) → Input: dtFiltered
