My source data is an Excel File in where I read the range of the whole sheet and save it in a data table. Sample as below:
From the table above, I will filter it by column “Address” and I want to open up a column beside it to write a value that I want to.
Let’s say I filter by (Address “Contains” fine), then the next column it should’ve written “Fine”. Output as below.
I will do the filtering by Filter Data Table activity. So whatever under that table I want to write cell in the next column based on my Filter Condition.
Alright noted. I was actually planning to do filter data table because there are multiple if criteria. The “Fine” could be “fine”, “Fine”, “FINE”, and alterations like that. If I use if condition, can I put in multiple conditions?
Yes the filter seems to be okay but I am facing issue to open up a column beside to write the value that I want to. Trying to use the write cell method as suggested above currently.
I used the “D”+(idx+1).ToString but instead of writing the output in the next column, it just replaces the value in the same Address column. Any idea where I went wrong?