Why is the indicator going to the wrong input field?

Hi all,

Attached is the screenshot whereby I am trying to loop through multiple rows of excel data to auto fill in the different data. The correct indicator for “TURKEY_MEMO_GRP” should be under Context Value. However, after the first iteration, the indicator went to the To Date field. How can I solve this?

hey @attkren1 ,
Use anchors after targetting the element
Make it specific by using more anchors.
Also while selecting the target, click the option as “Ignore text” in the selector panel

It is going to wrong field because it is confused which field to choose

Hope it helps you

Hi @attkren1

Try to give multiple anchors to that input field

Hi @attkren1

In that the elements names are same for both fields that’s why it was going to another field.
When you are indicating the element make sure to give the anchor to context value. While you are indicating there is a selector option window check the strict selectors and uncheck the fuzzy selector and image.

Check the below image for better understanding.

Hope it helps!!

hi i do not have this function. I think the issue is with the position? I noticed this…

Is there any solution for such situation?

Hi @attkren1 - Try using Anchor Base activity. Give the anchor as Invoicing Rule instead of Context value since this word is a duplicate one


Yes, we would do:

  • inspecting the element structure within UiExplorer / browser F12 Web tools
  • depending on this we select the simple but unique enough attributes for the target selector
  • if needed we can anchor it additional

As we dont have any details on the element structures or offered selector attributes we are forced to give a very general answer

Still not working. :frowning:

Hmmm… How can I edit to ensure it goes to the correct input field?

There is two context value elements in the picture. Which one you want to indicate for select item activity. @attkren1

as mentioned:

here we derive the details from for the selector definition

there is only 1. I screenshotted 2 pictures to show that selecting “TURKEY_MEMO_GRP” in the first picture (1st iteration) will work. Subsequently, the position of “TURKEY_MEMO_GRP” (previously) will take take the position of “To Date”, which is why this is happening. Do you have any solution for this?

@attkren1 - Can you indicate the Context value both at the top and the bottom, copy those selectors to notepad, there should be something unique element that differentiates both the Context value element. Can you try this way and check

The difference is the the name, tableRow and tableCol.
Right side is for the top while left side is for the bottom one.
Tried to copy the right side into the window selector of Type Into activity but the same issue happen during the 3rd iteration.

here we do see a chance to optimize the selector to the select:

so I check the box for aaname?
From your picture, tableRow should be removed?
Sorry very new to this but good learning experience, thanks for it!

Yes try it:
as the select can be at different rows it might be better to address it via the label: Context Value

no problem. Still you can speedup this learning when you analyse always the structues and then crafting the selector with the following rule:

  • as simple as possible
  • as specific as possible

Still cannot… With this new change, it only works for the 1st iteration. The issue is back due to positioning i feel, the webpage does not seem to look out for the anchor but rather the position of the input fields. The reason why “TURKEY_MEMO_GRP” is keyed into To Date field is because,

the position of Context Value in After is taking the position of To Date in Before

As already mentioned above, we can best help,

  • when the structure details are shared completely and also about its variations (1,2,3…iterations) and the neighbourhood (checking for labels using as anchors)
  • when we also have a chance to know what was done

We assume that all relevant courses within the UiPath Academy to this topic were already checked and practiced