I download this file but is in c# how can i change to VB
Hi ,
In Project .json file change
“expressionLanguage”: “VisualBasic” and close the studio and open again
but all the file i download and open is all C#
I didn’t get that, Can you share the screenshot if possible
it didnt had these issue yesterday but now suddenly all the file i open is all c#
I thought of you just created the project and some how it created on different language, If you already developed the code on C#, We can’t do anything because it will conflict in another files
Is created on VB i never once use C# before
changing the project.json from C# to VB value will not convert the code
In such scenarios we would do:
- creating an empty project / using template project
- importing file wise existing xamls
- convert / manually rework it
is it something happened to my UiPath thats why is C#
please rephrase the question when statement was a question. Thanks for support
i rephrased it already
there can be a lot of factors.
A Quick check could look like this:
- start with the creation of a new process and check:
what is preselected: c# or VB
we dont know the details on what was done
When the intention was about inspecting / integrating the file into an existing project, then:
- do NOT dowload and open it solely in UiPath
- do download it into the existing / a UiPath Studio project (correctly configued) and open it from there
do not miss:
it was not preselected, i want to just download onto my computer
To end the ping-pong communication, let’s summarize the above
- we can control the default setting by
Assumptions: we are not controlled by rolled out Governance setting it to C#
when creating a project, we set the used Language
when donwloading a file
- we save it locally
- then we move / integrate it into an existing project
when the downloaded file is of different programming languguage type, then we will adapt it manually or will remodel it again
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