Convert C# to VB.NET

We have a project created with C#. what are the steps to convert this projektto VB.NET.
E.g. to be able to use UiPath Studio (not Pro).

Good morning,

Use the following steps to convert your project from “C#” to “VB.Net

  • Open the “project.json” file in your preferred code editor (I used Notepad++)

  • Scroll down until you find “expressionLanguage”: “CSharp”,

  • Change “expressionLanguage”: “CSharp”, to “expressionLanguage”: “VisualBasic”,

  • Re-launch your project and continue with VisualBasic Legacy

I believe there are other changes that need to be made in the individual workflow files as well. For example:

<sco:Collection x:TypeArguments="AssemblyReference">

And many input arguments have the following types in XML.

<InArgument x:TypeArguments="x:Object">
          <mca:CSharpValue x:TypeArguments="x:Object" sap2010:WorkflowViewState.IdRef="CSharpValue`1_10">"Some value"</mca:CSharpValue>


I did more research and I believe @andrew_Rogers is correct. Making this change in the project.json will allow the project to load. However, due to the issues I show above certain activities will not display correctly in the workspace


Despite these “unregistered express editor” message, the project validates and executes as expected.

However, any new Log Message or Write Line activities you add, will suffer from the same issue and you will not be able to edit the text from Studio’s workspace. I suspect you will have to track down and reformat the XML for any control that has a C# Specific XML tag in addition to removing C# references from the XML header.

In the end the project, if it is large, may not be salvageable (for the purposes of enhancement) without a great amount of work in the XML source.