Where do I get the "UiPath Platform Setup" file?

Where do I get the “UiPath Platform Windows installer” referenced in the below topic? Is this delivered as part of the Enterprise license or is it available for download from the UiPath website. Currently what I can find is only the UiPathStudio installer.

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Here’s the link to download:

– link not available –



Thank you @Lucas.Pimenta, appreciate the quick response.

Is there a link or no? I was searching, ended up here. Thought i’d ask.


you can get the Platform setup from the trial version. Below the link

Link : UiPath


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Hi Balupad,
I need to run the each and every line item from banglore sheet as PDF format with the format which is an template sheet. I created an XAML file. For the first line item it is running but cant to run for second line item or other items. I have attached the ZIP folder for your refernce. Could you please help me in sorting out this issue.project.zip (659.7 KB)

Hi @suresh21,

you are writing the same row at 6. I have changed some thing in your workflow. It is working. I have attached the result along with. But you must have to follow the best practice.

Files: project.zip (638.8 KB)


Hi Balupad,
Thank you for your wonderful help. But I think I didnt explain you properly.
I dont want to paste entire line item into the template sheet at once. First line item should be filled into that template sheet and this one should be saved as PDF format in particular format and after that second line item from banglore sheet should be enter into the same template and this one also should be saved as another PDF format into the same folder and the action should repeated for the other line items and finally what are all the PDFs saved, their names alone should be saaved in notepad in the same folder. I am struggling a lot to prepare a lot since I am not experinced in UI path.
Could you please help me to prepare the BOT in this way and if possible please share your contact number.


Though it is an old topic, thought i will post the latest information on this topic.

Get yourself registered for the community version of the uipath cloud orchestrator. Then you will be provisioned a team site UiPath

On this home page, bottom right corner you will see a link to resource center. Click that link that will take you to the resource center UiPath.

On the resource center page, bottom right corner, expand the other products menu there you will see the platform installer download available to you.

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thank u