When setting the modern version trigger


I would like to know if it is possible in the modern version to assign tasks to robots that are not working using Enviroments in the classic version.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@9393 May I know what do you mean by Tasks?

When I do assignments dynamically in triggers, I want the empty robots to perform tasks automatically.

Hi @9393

When ever you assign the triggers for “Dynamic Allocation” , the bot which is free will pick up the Job for Automation.

Say Job 1 is running on Bot 2 , and Job 2 is triggered at the same time the Job 2 will be picked up by the Bot which is available.

Do you mean that you want to run the Bot automatically without triggers?


When setting a task as a trigger, I want the task to be assigned to a non-working bot PC.

If I set it as you said, can you tell me how to set it up?

Hi @9393

In Orchestrator navigate to Automations → under Automations Select Triggers → Add a new Trigger Option

A page appears , provide the details About your process and select the Option “Dynamic Allocation” to run your triggers on any Bot that is “Available”.

Hope this is what you were looking for.


Is it possible to do what you said in Modern Folder?

I haven’t tried out but I think , that’s possible

You need to assign the Unattended Robots to this Folder. Hope this works


i have the same problem and mi version is modern