What steps in UIPath should I use?

Hi guys.

The client needs to automate this process :

1)Select a date based on a calendar and It would be the current date : ( probably, I’ll use the current date of the system.

Then, I have to click “generate” and It would be linked to the next step.


Please, Do you have any ideas, guys?

Hi @pprin001 !

I am wondering: do you really have to pick the date from the popup ?
I see that there is a field next to the calendar button.

A) Try to type into that field the whole date in the expected format (dd/MM/yyyy maybe ?)

B) If the field is not editable, then we will use the technique of get and set attribute to enforce the content of the field :wink: To do so, we need you to open UiExplorer and send us a screenshot of what the UiExplorer gives, so we help you chose the attributes to enforce in the field:

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