What is the significance of "Use Filter" option in excel read range activity


Plz help me

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No Significance i guess.

i used it but, with and without using filter, the result shows same. :slight_smile:


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Hey @tgopalas and @Venkatesh_Chowdary

it has a significance.

When Use Filter checkbox is selected, the activity does not read what has been filtered out of the specified range. By default, this check box is not selected, and therefore the entire range is read, regardless if some information has been filtered out.

So when you are using Filter Table Activity to filter your data then you want your filter data to retain and so you can write it somewhere then this comes into the picture.


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@aksh1yadav As @Venkatesh_Chowdary said, the same result is coming when checking and unchecking.

Hi @aksh1yadav

But both the times the result showing same.

theoretically it is correct but not showing the same. :stuck_out_tongue:


test.xaml (7.6 KB)

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This is the excel file Filteredbytype.xlsx (9.5 KB)


Hi, Yes it does work if you unchecked the record from the filter and then try to read the data with using read range activity post pasting the information you will not be able to see the unchecked record in your data result.