Website Data Scrapping

Hi Guys,

Please help

I am trying to extract data from below link for the date range of last 7 days to Excel and then mail it to myself.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @shailesh_mishra

Please refer the steps below

  1. Using Type into activity update the date range to last 7 days
  2. Once the webpage loads, use Data scrapping
  3. Store the scrapped values in an excel using write CSV
    4.Open the mail activity and upload the attachment path.

Hope this steps will help to solve your problem


Thank you for your reply, i am new to RPA with not much exposure to tool yet, can you by any chance help me create one and sent as an attachment.

Really appreciate your help.


@599712 Hi Dom

Can you please help me with my query, I am new to RPA trying to learn.


@shailesh_mishra, May I know where do you face the problem ? You can go with @sarigam suggestion ! Feel free to ask, if you have any concern.

Dominic :slight_smile:

I have prepared this but i am not able to take date in itScrapping (1).xaml (10.2 KB)

Hi @shailesh_mishra,
I created a sample work flow for you.Hope it works for you.Data (56.0 KB)
Main.xaml (12.4 KB)
Please add a valid emailId in send email action to receive the attachment. Also make sure the path I have gave to write the CSV file is valid. If no give a valid path in write CSV action and the same path assend email action attachment variables.

@Hashim_Shamsudeen Thanks bro worked for me