Web scraping images

i need to scrape images from web forum.
This webforum hase 2 type of images attached on every post.
With UiPath i can scrape only single type of image .
I explain better
If i select one type of image i have this:


	<column exact='1' name='Column0' attr='href'>
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='2' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='3' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='article' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='2' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='article' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='section' idx='2' />
		<webctrl tag='div' />
		<webctrl tag='a' />
		<webctrl tag='img' idx='1' />

If i select other type of image i have this:

	<column exact='1' name='Column0' attr='href'>
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='2' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='3' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='article' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='2' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='div' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='section' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='ul' idx='1' />
		<webctrl tag='li' />
		<webctrl tag='a' idx='2' />

How can i have one single scraping ???


in the extract xml we do see:

  • till section it is a common path
  • then we do have a split
  • kindly note: second one is poining to an a element

In general we would let generate or hand craft a row section, then we can configure the column extractions

also have a look here:

thanks, but i don’t understand your answer.
It’s possibile to merge my xml?
i see your link but that case is to have multiple columns.
I don’t want multiple colums, but only1.
1 column containing all type of image with different selector.
Unfortunately UiPath cant’ do it with automatic scrape

we can custom configure to return 1 or more column,
but we cannot configure 1 column for returning 2 values

maybe you elaborate more on your case along with some illustrations

not clear what you meant in detail. maybe this:

       <column exact='1' name='Column0' attr='href'>
       <column exact='1' name='Column1' attr='href'>

But both columns do need a common parent part, which goes into the row extract definition