I have to perform a certain action if a certain web page appears, else it’ll continue to the next instructions. How to perform this situation?
- Use element exists activity - Delay (number of seconds)
- If condition – Boolean Output of element exists activity.
- If element appears - then perform required action, else continue to next instructions.
Use Element Exists or On Element Appear activity and if found then perform some actions else skip it.
@rachrahul2 @lakshman I did exactly the same as you are suggesting. When I ran that workflow individually, that was working fine. But when I invoked that workflow in my process state(ReFrameWork) that did not work. Can you please suggest…
Check whether you passed arguments properly or not.
I have checked several times. Actually there is no need of any arguments import or export. There should be a Element exist, a if condition, a Boolean variable and a click activity.
What’s the error you are getting ? Put a screenshot or something here.
- Where did you invoke this workflow ?
- Check if the element exists has full selector.
- Same thing for click.
If possible share the whole sample workflow.
- In the process state
- yes
The file is too heavy to send…forum is not accepting the file for its size.