Open Web application > There will be many Accounts as hyperlink (‘n’ number of pages) > User will need to click on each account and search for a specific word > If the specific word is available need to note those accounts and save that else go back, click next account and so on!
Use is accounts are in excel use click on text and based on that loop it
and then use search value and use type into and check click before typing as value and then use Click On text again with UiExplorer and pass the aanmae as give it as row(“ColumnName”).ToString
Is number accounts are static ,
if yes then use while loop for click on those hyperlinks before that use get text for storing that account number and then use Text Exist
If exist
then write that account no and go back for second account
I fetched the textword using Gettext activity and used ‘If’ activity. Both - fetched text and Standard_textword are same. Below is the syntx i used. But its taking the ELse condition.
Gettextfetched from web.ToString.Contains(“Standard_textword”)
@Manish540@ImPratham45@AshwinS2 - I am using chrome browser, still its not functioning as expected Also if possible could you please share any sample projects.
Open Web application > There will be many Accounts as hyperlink (‘n’ number of pages) > User will need to click on each account and search for a specific word > If the specific word is available need to note those accounts and save that else go back, click next account and so on!