Need to find a specific word in a website and put a tick infront of that relevant data/row


I am using a website that has a table, consisting multiple rows. I need to find specific word and put a tick infront of the relevant word. What procedure can be use for this?
As an example according to this picture below, I need to find the word, “JAF_TU2” in this table and put a tick related to that row in the unlock column.

Would appreciate if someone can help me out on this.
Thank you.

you can do it by getting rows/colomun properties with help of inspecting through dev console. identify the unique identifier of radio button “properties” i.e rowno/colno , same for “Role Code” Row and iterate through each row and search with the value you want. if bot does not find value then go to next row else if its finds then click on the radio button.

Happy Automation

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How about the following step?

  1. Get the table as DataTable using ExtractTable wizard.

  2. Iterte the datatable using ForEachRow activity then check the row contains target such as JAF_TU2. Please set int32 variable (let’s say idx) at Index property of ForEachRow

  3. If target exists, Check checkbox of Unlock using Check/Uncheck activity with dynamic selector (Probably tableRow attribute can be used for it)



Hi @shehani.perera ,

  1. Use “Get attribute activity” to get the Attribute ‘TableRow’ by keeping the aaname in the selector as JAF_TU2
  2. Then use the click activity and in the click activity selector pass the tableRow variable which you got as a output from the Get attribute activity.




Thank you for your response.
I followed your method, but I’m getting an error in the check/uncheck activity as it couldn’t find the correct checkbox. Since there are many checkboxes, as you mentioned can I know how to use this activity with a dynamic selector?
If the condition is true, how to use the check/uncheck activity to find and check only the relevant checkbox related to the relevant role code?

Can you share screenshot of UiExplorer for the checkbox. We can know available attribute for the checkbox from right side part as the following.



Here is the screenshot of the UiExplorer for the Checkbox.

Thank you.


Probably, we can use tableRow attribute as Dynamic.

Did you already identify which row the target exists from ExtractDataTable?



As my example, ‘JAF_TU2’ is in the 6th row of the ExtractDataTable.
Could you please help me out how to pass this table row number to check/uncheck activity?
Thank you.

Use only strict selector, next open it with SelectorEditor. Then set variable as the following document




I still get an error for not identifying the specific checkbox relevant to the specific row.
For the target of the check/uncheck activity, am I correct in understanding that I will need to select a single checkbox within the respective column?
And then I will set a variable for the tableRow, as you mentioned in the earlier reply.
Thank you.


As i mentioned in my previous post, Can you try to use only strict selector? (This also means turn off other method. )
The above error occurs when multiple elements are matched in Fuzzy selector.



Yes I have used the strict selector.
However, now it works properly.
Thank you very much for your support and guidance in resolving this.

Thank you for your input on my post. Although I ended up using a different solution, I truly appreciate your contribution.


Thank you for your input on my post. Although I ended up using a different solution, I truly appreciate your contribution.

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