How to get text of multiple data row in webpage and store in specific cell in excel

Hi all,

I’m still new and beginner with Uipath.
Currently i’m having a problem to get text activities in multiple row in webpage and i want to store it in specific excel.

So, below is the table row from the webpage, What i want to do is , to read first the Address Type Column , then it will click the Address Column Hyperlink. this will navigate to the other pages.

Eg: If AddressType = “Permanent” , it will click the Address Hyperlink.


My Question ,

  1. is it possible to read the Address Type column from webpage from dynamic row ?

**Note that, the sequence of Address Type is not permanent, thats why i need to read the Address Type column first before click the Address Hyperlink , so that i can get text and write it in specific cell in excel.

use data scraping , just specify the required column

can explain more

Hello @user123mem,

Read table to a Data table
for each loop through datatable
If item(“Address Type”) = "Permanent then
Click address( get selector for address and pass index value to table row in selector)

Hi Sree,

By clicking the address, what do you mean by ( get selector for address and pass index value to table row in selector) ?

Does it mean i need to use dynamic selector for address ?

@user123mem Yes, as we don’t know which row has the Address Type Permanent, We have to use Dynamic Selectors.

can you show me how to do it for Dynamic Selector

You can either a use a counter variable by incrementing it or use row index RowIndex=datatable.rows.IdexOf(item)

then pass this row index value to selector

<html app='chrome.exe' title='*TestPortal*' />
<webctrl  parentid='contentBody' tableRow='" & RowIndex &"' tag='A' />

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