Wait till the Icon is ready to be Clicked


Anyone can help on the below :

I want to create an activity to wait until the cursor is ready to click an element

1- Before the Icon will be ready to be Clicked :
2- Than when this blue Circle disappear, I will use Click botton to click on desired icon.

Note : Of course without using “Delay” Activity.

Thanks in Advance

For any Element - we have Wait For Ready Property as Complete.

  • For the item you want to Click after the load - you can check the wait for Ready property of the element to complete.


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Thanks @mukeshkala

Just to clarify more, the icon I want to click is already there ( Visible), but the cursor is still loading which prevent the Click ( having blue circle as shown in below image) :

Also this Activity not available in main activities for studio : WaitForReady

Okay - So you can use an element exist of the icon in the Background - if Exists True then only Click otherwise Wait .

Now here in you case - If the Element Exists is coming as True despite of the element not existing. we can have a look at the Visible Property- Which will return true only when the Button is visible.

Below is thread for Visible usage.


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Here , you have to use the UiExplorer and see what attribute is updated when the BUtton is loaded completely or we can say the Arrow disappears.

That same attribute has to be used as a condition to click …


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WaitForReady is not an activity, it is an attribute of the click activity.

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YES, @zspilman , I just recognize that it’s one of the Options in Click Activity

Great! Let us know if that works :slight_smile:

@mukeshkala, This information using UiExplorer, can be very useful for my case, but not able to find those BUTTON option ( If Loaded Completely ) , Can you help?