Hello. I have a big problem in UiPath and im very frustrated at the moment with the activity called “Wait for Download” It’s simply not waiting for the download at all and continues with the rest of the activities. I have clearly stated the field of the Monitored Folder to be “C:\Users" + UserName + "\Desktop\Mockups” and the Downloaded File field to be DownloadedFile var which is assigned as “New System.IO.FileInfo(TransRef + “.zip”)”. And, i’ve triple checked that indeed it recognizes every arhive name that is being downloaded, but since I have an activity that extracts the archive, it does not wait for the .zip folder to completely download prior of extracting. In the Activity to initiate download, I have not included anything because the button that initiates the download is on another workflow and the workflow I’m having issues with works completely in the background and the job is executed as soon as the first workflow is initiated. And second of all, I don’t think it should be required to have a button element included within this activity as I’m basically instructing the bot that when a particular folder name appears within 300 seconds, then it should proceed to the next activity. Question is: is this initiation of a download button mandatory to be included? If the answer is yes, why.
- Did you provide ignore extensions? sometimes this can cause the issue as well
- Ideally we should include the start of download activity inside the wait for download as it monitors the folder for any new file change and will wait till it completes
- Also if same file already exists then it would not wait
Hi @Anil_G
- No ignore extensions provided. All allowed.
- I ran so many tests today including initiating the button download but still it does recognize the downloaded .zip archive. Both Monitored folder and Downloaded File are 100% correct. Timeout is set to 999999999. And indeed it throws me this error that it cannot recognize the file.
- Same file does not exist. Each time the archive name is different and that is verified.
Everything seems valid from my point of view. I think it might be a bug.
Look I figured out the problem. The timeout of the Wait for Download cannot be 9 characters (999999999) even though a warning does not appear. It can only be 8 characters max (99999999) which is why the above errors appeard during runtime. And second, yes indeed at least the last activity that is supposed to initiate the download is mandatory to be included, else it will skip the entire activity and proceed further.
However, I’m not using this activity anymore as it does suit my case. I used a file exists along with an If condition and set a Do While to check if a file has been created or moved in the directory.
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