Variable Write Cell Destination Range

I am trying to pass a string variable (CellReference1) into a Write Cell activity’s Destination Range, as shown below. The CellReference1 variable comes from another workflow where I determine the cell I want to input information into based on column and row headers, which returns a string concatenation of the column letter and row number (i.e. “G12”). I get an error “Write Cell: The range does not exist.” Is it not possible to pass a variable cell like this? Alternatively, is there a more direct way to write information into a cell based on column and row headers?

it is weird because it’s should work fine. Make sure that you have correct type of variable and correct value.
Please take a look in this workflow and compare. (9.4 KB)


Hi @amlahood

Kindly check out whether white space added with that input string CellReference1

Before the write cell activity print that input variable once for manuall verfication


Thanks for your replies. The issue was due to what should have been an Out argument being set to In, so the CellReferece1 variable was empty.

Hi @amlahood

if it solves your issue could you mark it as solution so that it will be helpful to others also


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