Value of string cannot be converted to UI element

I want to pass variable to click activity. Since “select item” activity cannot locate I used click activity.
I have the variable but it is string type. I got an error saying “Value of string cannot be converted to UI element”

Hi @Bhushan_Nagaonkar, I think you are using modern design experience, if you don’t want change it to classic and try to insert the variable in the selector
delete the aaname and Press Ctrl+K and select the variable

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Thankyou, is there any other alternative to modern activity.

Or else keep it as modern design experience and change the selector form here
delete the aaname and Press Ctrl+K and select the variable

If it is helpful to you, Kindly mark it as solution

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I tried doing that in Modern but gave me the error. The classic activity worked properly.

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Hi @Bhushan_Nagaonkar, In modern design, You can delete the innertext and add the variable, Its working for me

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Ok, Thankyou.
I’ll try from my end

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