When executing the robot, 「Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source」error occurs. Details below.
This error occurs at the sequence which is the most outside of the workflow.
So as soon as the robot starts, the error occurs and the job stops.
After doing this two operations, the the error began to happen.
・Activities are not put together, so I put them together into some sequences(inside the error-sequence)
・I deleted some variables which I use for debugging and now not necessary at the workflow.
I killed the UiPathStudio and UiPathRobot at the WindowsTaskManager and then restart my PC, only to see the same error.
Do you have any ideas?
The error details;
An ExceptionDetail, likely created by IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults=true, whose value is:
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
at System.Data.DataTableExtensions.AsEnumerable(DataTable source)
at lambda_method(Closure , ActivityContext )
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.VisualBasicValue1.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.CodeActivity
1.InternalExecuteInResolutionContext(CodeActivityContext context)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteInResolutionContext[T](ActivityInstance parentInstance, Activity1 expressionActivity) at System.Activities.Variable
1.PopulateDefault(ActivityExecutor executor, ActivityInstance parentInstance, Location location)
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.ResolveVariable(Variable variable, ActivityExecutor executor)
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.ResolveVariables(ActivityExecutor executor)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)