Validation errors in initallsettings.xaml

Hi All,
So basically when i run or debug, my workflow stops saying, init all settings has validation errors. But i didnt even make any change in it to begin with. Do u guys think its bz version incompatibility or package problems? each and every activity under initallsettings is showing (!). it says the variables may not be declared/ not under the scope of sequence. It’s strange. pls help!

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Hi @Abinayaab

Can you share your error ?

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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@Abinayaab Is it a newly Created Project or A project which was already existing?

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Hi @Abinayaab

Can you try to close and open again your uipath studio

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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@Abinayaab I feel the Arguments are not Declared :sweat_smile:

i didnt have to make any changes. usualyy we dont have to do anything in that part right?

@Abinayaab That depends on the way you use, but if it is a newly Created RE Framwork Project, then you don’t need to do anything :sweat_smile:

Hi @Abinayaab

Yes your right you dont need to do anything for the reframework for the newly created.I think you just need to restart it because it is very annusual.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:


could you over the blue icon and screenshot the error message? :slight_smile: