The project has validation errors and cannot be published variable from a For Each activity

I’m getting this error when i try to publish the process,
01/18/2022 15:55:52 OpentraductionFile.xaml: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “files”.
‘files’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

The thing is that files is a variable of a For Each activity and i cannot initialize it.

help please!!!

welcome to the forum

can you please share the xaml or some screenshots from your implementation with us? Thanks

when you will launch ‘validate file’ or project you should have information on ‘error list’ panel where the errors are located.

was no validation message / icon on the XAML.

Hi @Vargas_Flores_Emmanuel ,

Just close your studio open it again and try publishing it.

Thanks !

This is the message I got,

See image below:

Hi, already try that and it keeps the same,

Please see image below:

check once on the scope/access level of the files variable, also check that there is no redundant files variable there in the variable panel

Hey @Vargas_Flores_Emmanuel ,
this file is ok. But on the screenshot I see that you have red exclamation mark on ‘OpentraductionFIle.xaml’ file.
Before publishing, you cannot have any error in the project.
You have to comment all sequences or delete/move this file from project.
This will solved your issue.

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Yes you are right, I delete that file and it work s again!

Good to hear that your issue has been fixed. Please matk the solution option on my post to close the topic :slight_smile:

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