Using UiPath CLI for package deployment for On-Prem Orchestrator


We are implementing our CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions and in doing so, want to implement our Deployment flow using UiPath CLI. The problem we are facing is that from the existing documentation on UiPath CLI, for On-Prem Orchestrator, there’s no way we could find, where we can use AD Users to run the deployment command. Is there a way where in we can use AD Accounts (Service Accounts) for On-Prem Orchestrator for deploying packages using UiPath CLI?

Warm Regards,


I am attempting to do a similar thing. It seems like you can use a Oath token though I am unsure of what needs to be setup in terms of scope to be able to do that.

I’ll try to follow this thread and hopefully someone has some more information.

Following up here. I am able to create an account in the UiPath Administration under Accounts & Groups and can then use that account to do a deployment. Not using the AD group but at least it should work with deploying using a Github action.

I’m trying to do a similar thing with Gitlab for my organization but have not had any luck. Has anyone been able to figure this out?

An external application is needed or a basic authentication user.

The AD accounts are non-GMSA accounts and have username and passwords. Can these be used as “basic authentication users” or would they require an external application?

Try to see if those username and password credentials are working to authenticate with Cli.

If not, create a new user in https://YOUR_ORCHESTRATOR_HOSTNAME/identity/management/users and add to it the option to always login with Basic authentication

Add the user to Orchestrator and provide the necessary permissions for your automations.

I was able to create an account on the UiPath Administration page as seen in the screenshot above, however I was unable to transfer that account to the main Orchestrator page or access the account from the main Orchestrator page.

I was also not able to add any roles to this new user either to give permissions needed to deploy the automations.

How can I transfer an account created in the administration page to the Orchestrator page?

In Orchestrator → Tenant → Manage Access → Assign Roles → User → can you search for the created user and add it?

Yes that worked, although it created a local user account, not an AD enabled account.


Now, use the username and password of that local user and let us know the results.

Also, try by using the external application (Client ID and Client Secret)

I was able to log into Orchestrator using the username and password.

I have also been trying unsuccessfully to log into Orchestrator using the CLI as an external application with this script:
UiPath-DevOps-Scripts/docs/ at main · UiPath-Services/UiPath-DevOps-Scripts · GitHub

I have registered an external application and gotten a client ID and secret, but according to the readme for the script above, I also need an AccountForApp or CloudRPA account name

I am currently running an on-prem orchestrator. Is it possible to get the CloudRPA account name from an on-prem orchestrator, and, if so, how can I get it?


I have also build a CI/CD pipeline using the UiPath CLI on Githu Actions.

Has anyone else had problems with the packing command? We cant pack projects that are built using windows framework.

I open a separate topic for the problem, but if anyone here can help would appreciate it