Deployment of UiPath Robots

Anybody did any deployment of UiPath Robots in a Clean User Machine
I have my UiPath Studio and published to UiPath Orchestrator and works fine with my machine

but i need to push to the end user machine which is plain new machine, What needs to be installed ( UiPath Runtime ) and then integrate with Orchestrator and the user machine?
Any help is appreciated

@badita are you able to share the User Guide documentation for setting up deploying robots?

In summary these are the steps:

  1. Install UiPath Studio on the new machine (at present you do need a full UiPath Studio installation in order to get the UiRobot service running on that machine)
  2. Provision the robot machine by taking the robot key from orchestrator and entering it into the Robot Configuration panel and also the Configuration URL which you will find in the Admin section of Orchestrator
  3. Publish your process unless you just want to use your existing process
  4. Create an Environment
  5. Create a release of your process on that environment
  6. Start job


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Yes Richard, Thanks this done, and it works with your step , and we used same UiPath Studio installer and registered with Bot Key as recommended by UiPath

It is here:

@trajkumar1904 you can not access that section with a gmail address.

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Update: Connecting Robots to Orchestrator

@badita please provide access to enterprise documents

Below covers the steps to deploy a bot

It is here:

Hi Badita,

When i am trying to click this link its saying you do not have access even i have logged in from my corporate mail can you please check and provide access

Thank you.

How to get access to these documents?
I have logged in with company emai id. Still it shows “No access”

Hi @karthik_bethi, I have a question about deploying the package to a brand new clean machine with just uirobit installed. How do the files that you are depending on (such as confix.xlsx or other such files needed) become available on that target machine? Do you need to place those files on the folders on the target machines?