Hello New user here! I’m trying to compare two sheets in an excel file , sheet1 contains emails and subjects(which were extracted from emails) while sheet2 contains subjects and their replies, what i want to do is match sheet1 and sheet2 and use the email in sheet1 as the TO address and the replies in sheet2 as the body.
I’ve been trying different activities but i keep messing up, any help is greatly appreciated
Hey @irshad
Kindly use Join Data Table activity by reading the excel data into the Data Table using Read Range.
Hello @irshad
You can use the attached workflow. In the Input folder modify the excel files with your data. I have used a left join. You can change it as per your requirement. So you will get a new joined Datatable and you can use that to sent the email.
ExcelAutomationDemo1.zip (2.0 MB)
@irshad use Join data table or Query. Use Connect activity for Excel as DB