User does not exist - windows authentication - Troubleshoot steps


After add a user to production environment, the user try to login and get the error User does not exist

Troubleshooting steps

In the Domain field, type the domain or subdomain to which the user belongs.
If left empty, the user will not be able to log in using Windows Authentication.
Thus before adding the user the windows authentication needs to be enabled.
Please follow the step by step guideline to enable the same in web.config & IIS

Thereafter, Perform the below steps:

  1. Restart of the IIS.

(Open cmd in Admin mode -> Type iisreset )

  1. Recycling of the Application pool

(IIS -> Application Pools -> UipAth Orchestrator Application pool -> Recycling -> Next Finish)


Once all the above is completed, imports your AD users as explained.

Please make sure that the AppPoolIdentity user as well as the admin user has access to the domain group .

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Worth noting if problem persist after instruction above, check if “Application user (pass-through authentication)” is selected.