Is there a workaround to use Soap requests over Windows projects? When tried on a project and library, it does not work in Windows legacy .
The SOAP API integration feature has been deprecated in Windows Project Compatibility and will be available only in Windows Legacy projects.
Hence, choose to create a Windows-Legacy process and use the SOAP feature, but note that this option would not be available with future Studio releases. For more details, refer About the Windows - Legacy Compatibility .
- Create in UiPath Studio a Windows - Legacy project
- In Manage Packages -> find and install UiPath.WebAPI.Activities[1.16.2] package
- In a workflow, add the SOAP Request activity and configure it as below,
Service Description:
Contract: NumberConversionSoapType
Method: NumberToWords
ubiNum of type System.UInt64: 10
To get the specific value from the XML, the below approach may help:
- Assume that the below XML is present and it is required to retrieve the NumberToWordsResult value.
"\r\n \r\n \n \n ten \n \n \r\n"
- Deserialize XML
XML String: out_Data
XMLDocument: out_xmlDocument
- Assign activity
namespaceURI: ""
- Assign activity
numberToWordsResult: out_xmlDocument.Descendants(XName.Get("NumberToWordsResult", namespaceURI)).FirstOrDefault().Value
- Log Message activity
Log Level: Info
Message: numberToWordsResult