I am having an hard time in understanding the use of the activity ‘Copy Selected Text’. I thought it would copy the text data that would have been selected in the screen which would then be taken as a string to a variable as output. But it doesn’t seems to be working in that way. Need suggestions.
Just FYI, I am selecting the text of command prompt and i want it to be copied as an output.
That’s exactly the way i was trying to use ‘Copy Selected Text’ activity. As from your attached workflow, sending ‘ctrl+a’ hotkey was not selecting the text under the command prompt. However i figured out another way to select by sending ‘alt+space’, ‘e’ & ‘s’ as hotkey.
Coming back to copy the selected text using ‘Copy Selected Text’ activity, below error is thrown,
Strange. Initially i didn’t made any change in the workflow which you send, but the activity send hotkey with ‘ctrl+a’ is actually being typed in the command prompt instead of performing select all.
As i said since it was failing, i replaced that activity with few send hotkey activities which sends ‘Alt+Space’, ‘e’ & ‘s’ & ‘enter’ so that it actually selects all the contents from the command prompt. Till here everything looks working fine.
After that i added a ‘Copy selected text’ activity to copy the content that has been selected in the command prompt and that’s where i am getting that error which i attached in the previous reply. Attached my workflow as well just in case it helps. Main.xaml (14.7 KB)
Its not required. As the process of copying the selected text will be done by Copy Selected Text activity. So u can disable the activity and run once again.
I found a solution using get from clipboard instead of copy selected text. So I first do shift+end, then ctrl+c and finally get from clipboard (I get a variable )
Can you please tell how did you do this for excel. I tried using select range (i select only few cells) and then used copy selected text. Instead of copying only the specific cells that are selected, its copying the entire sheet. Please help
To type commands into command prompt:
1)assign the command to a variable.
2)set to clipboard that variable.
3)Right click on the command prompt , so that the command will be pasted in the command prompt.
4)Send hot keys - enter
To get all data from command prompt:
1)send hot key → Alt + space which is equal to (Alt+" ")
2)send hot key ->es
When copy selected text activity is not working as expected then,
3)Click activity - right click (this will copies all info from command prompt)
4)Get from Clipboard - set to a variable
5)You can use write text file activity and save it or you can use as required for the process.