Use Excel File: Error opening workbook. If Excel is installed, run the ‘Repair Tool for Microsoft Office Interop’ - Studio

Resolved! Thank you all! [Yesterday 8:45 PM] Yeafi Awal

The solution to this is Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to uninstall Excel and reinstall back, after reinstallation - all Add in integration required - follow the new documentation Studio - Excel Add-in - making sure the macro Setting and Trusted Publisher - are as per the documentation. Then UiPath Assistant for Excel(Robot - UiPath Assistant for Excel add-in), once all set up completed and saved and restart machine and will be running fine 🙂.

Studio - Excel Add-in

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Repair Tool from Studio will not work in this scenario for some reason, separately from Microsoft site download the recovery assistant if your enterprise laptop does not have it and then use that - diagnostics which will ask for Office 365 uninstallation and then also ask for reboot and reinstallation back, after reinstallation - complete all integration steps following UiPath documentation plus UiPath Excel Assistant is required in Excel for updated version.