Use Excel File: Error opening workbook. If Excel is installed, run the ‘Repair Tool for Microsoft Office Interop’ - Studio

So I am trying to complete the " Build your first process in Studio" from the course Professional Training and I can not create the Excel file ( tried all the troubleshooting listed on next - add in check, reinstall, trusted entity …) ? What is the solution ? Can I add it manually and how do I add it manually if that is the only solution here… excel is not creating the SalesResults file, the way it is shown in the training of UiPath.

Please help ! Wated almost 24 hour in resolving this issue and no solution that I could find to be working …
Thanks in advance!


  1. Is your excel licensed?
  2. Check this Studio - Microsoft Office issues


Yes, licensed, within my organization providing training with work but not working when I click on Tools repair- same issue persists…


Do you have admin right? As the repair tool needs them…

Try going to home->tools-> repait tools and try that


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remains the same, no solution yet!

Hi @Yeafi_Awal

Could you please try to upgrade UiPath.Excel.Activities package


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it’s the latest version and studio is also 2023.10.4

Hi @Yeafi_Awal

Try to upgrade to preview version and check it once


Do you have admin rights first?



Can you try to use Excel without Excel application scope. Just for checking the access. if it works without Excel Application scope then there will be no issue for Access.

Resolved! Thank you all! [Yesterday 8:45 PM] Yeafi Awal

The solution to this is Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant to uninstall Excel and reinstall back, after reinstallation - all Add in integration required - follow the new documentation Studio - Excel Add-in - making sure the macro Setting and Trusted Publisher - are as per the documentation. Then UiPath Assistant for Excel(Robot - UiPath Assistant for Excel add-in), once all set up completed and saved and restart machine and will be running fine 🙂.

Studio - Excel Add-in

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Repair Tool from Studio will not work in this scenario for some reason, separately from Microsoft site download the recovery assistant if your enterprise laptop does not have it and then use that - diagnostics which will ask for Office 365 uninstallation and then also ask for reboot and reinstallation back, after reinstallation - complete all integration steps following UiPath documentation plus UiPath Excel Assistant is required in Excel for updated version.

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