Urgent request please ** file lost **

Hi everyone,

would you please help me with this urgent question.
Yesterday I was working on a project that I saved on my desktop and my document folder.
This morning, I found the laptop restared and that there is no files instead the UiPath folder, neither on my desktop.
The file on my desktop has been erased.

there is no older backup for the laptop.


Check in Recent files in UiPath start Menu.

It’s empty.

Please check in the below path.


Empty. all the folders that I had yesterday have been deleted. :frowning:

Try the below steps on the Desktop folder.

Step 1. Right-click on the file or folder you wish to restore to an older version and select " Properties ".

Step 2. Click on the tab " Previous Versions ". You’ll be told there that previous versions come from File History or from restore points.

restore previous version of file or folder in windows previous versions tool

Step 3. If you’re lucky enough, a list of older versions of the file will be displayed. Choose the file edition you’re looking for, and click " Restore " button.

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No restore found. I think I lost the file 4ever. No way to find it :frowning:

I’d try searching in Windows Explorer, under C:\Users for *.xaml to see if it’s been moved elsewhere by accident, or the obvious Recycle Bin.

If you can’t find it using either of these methods, and you have no backups/SNV/GIT, I’m not sure if you will be able to get it back using “normal” methods sorry.

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All to sudden my projects are missing cant even find in bin.Help me out please!
Thanks in advance!

Josh, thank you! worked for me!

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Hey @jerrone7 how did you resolve this issue?