URGENT: Hertz website date picker

Hi UiPath community,

I am currently having an issue developing a date picker for the Hertz website (URL: https://www.hertz.co.za/). My current issues are:

  1. I cannot extract from the calender the month and year unless I use Computer Vision. This is a problem because I need to dynamically compare the month and the year from the calendar to check whether it is the required date.

  2. Also, I cannot select the date dynamically as required

Currently, I am trying to use data scraping to find the possible dates to compare. Any assistance would be highly appreciated.

e.g. reading August 2021 should be possible with get text and fine tuned selector

You are looking for e.g. setting a particluar date, right?

I tried getText and tuned my selector but was unable to extract any date. However, when I used CV it worked but only for the specified dates

Yes, I am looking for specific dates

have a look on this prototype flow:

it was taking pickup month and year

The field without the date picker open is how you should get the current date it’s set to.

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Hertz Rent A Car | Quality Car Rental | Car Hire South Africa' />
<webctrl id='pickup-date' tag='INPUT' />

And since it’s an input you can probably set the value using the same selector. If not, this is the selector for the month/year in the picker:

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Hertz Rent A Car | Quality Car Rental | Car Hire South Africa' />
<webctrl parentid='pickup-date_root' tag='DIV' parentclass='picker__box' />

So you have it click the right or left arrow until the month/year is what you want. Then this is the selector to click one of the displayed dates:

<html app='chrome.exe' title='Hertz Rent A Car | Quality Car Rental | Car Hire South Africa' />
<webctrl aaname='17' aria-role='gridcell' tag='DIV' idx='1' />

Just replace 17 with a variable containing the number of the date you want to click.