Upload A file


I am trying to develop a robot and one process is to upload a file which is saved from email as pdf. The process need to click the attachment button in the application and select the file from the folder which saved the pdf.

How can I get this running ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Hey @Sheen_Ildephonse ,

Have a look on this thread.


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Please follow these steps.
1- use open browser OR Attach browser activity.
2- use click activity and select selecor of Attachment button.
3- Now file selection window popup will open and put full path of file. Use again click activity to click on “OK”

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@Sheen_Ildephonse These are common steps…we can upload through Vb.Net. and API

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Hello @Sheen_Ildephonse

Here you need to automate email and the pplication to upload the file.

So the first part is to automate email to download the file. For that you can use the email activities in uipath. Which email provider are you using?

For uploading the file, use application/browser activity and open the application.
Then use click activity t click on the upload button.
Enter the file path and clikc on Ok( use type into and click acitivity)


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Thank you Rahul for your advise and it worked!

Thank you Sanjit

Thanks Raja, Your solution is working

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I am just a novice user and not familiar using VB.net

@Sheen_Ildephonse No problem Learning is Life time process. Hopefully you will become master. Consistency and dedication matters

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