I just started automating with StudioX and I need to find an equivalent to the Select File activity from classic Studio, to present the user with a file selection dialog box. And i cant’t figure it out.
Hi @lakshman and thank you for your reply.
I have a few files, one of them is indeed Excel. The trouble is that i need the select file dialog at runtime, not during development .
I saw that there is an option to select ‘Ask when run’, but that just brings up an input text dialog, which is not helpful for the end user.
Studio option:
Result when run:
I could make a workaround where i have the user have all the files needed(3 files,different formats) in the same folder and have the automation figure out which file is which, but I just thought it easier to just have them select them, like you can in classic Studio using Select File, or a Custom Form.