Updating Excel in Sharepoint using Excel Application Scope

Hello All,

I am trying to update an excel sheet that is stored in Sharepoint. In UiPath this can be achieved by giving the SP file location link in Excel application scope and using write range. This works fine in Studio 2023v but does not work in 2020.10.2 .
Is anyone aware if its a known issue with studio version , possible reason and fix please?


I do not get any error, the workflow keeps running without any exception.
If I select ‘save changes’ option excel application scope, then I get exception related to saving.

I’m not sure it works well on both ver23 and ver20

okay then may be the version is not an issue here. Both are in different environment then probably some configuration is causing the issue. One difference I noticed is in Studio 2020v, I am getting MS sign in prompt whenever the excel app scope is entered. Can somebody tell why is this happening and how to avoid this prompt?


Is the file synced to local? Or no?

From sharepoint directly i dont think excel app scope will work…

You have to use office 365 related activities

Also if there are any pop ups while opening excel only…then you can use parallel activity to handle it


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