1.Open google browser and search for different books (Which is in excel)
2.Verify the book obtained in the first search list is same as the one in the excel row.
3.Write the searched book row in results excel row by row after a particular row from data excel is entered in the application and also update the status as pass or fail(if the compare result between google search and data excel matches) in the results excel.
Excel application scope(for your excel file)
- take “for each row”
+take a variable for ur book name using assign
+ Open Google browser
+typeinto activity with bookvariable
+do data scrapping now and attain first book name bookweb variable
+If (bookvariable=bookweb)
if yes
(write cell (row(status).tostring=YES))
if no
(write cell(row(status).tostring=NO))
+close application for web
it is clearly visible in image you are already using cell argument as like “A1”+counter.tostring so even if your count will be 0 then it will become A10.
so replace “A1”.counter.tostring to “A”+counter.tostring.