:Raising_hand_woman: 🙋‍♂️ Unlock the Future: #10 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint

:rocket: Dear Community enthusiasts, are you up to Unlock the Future further?

Virtual series day 10 happened today : See Unlock the Future: Join the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 10 at UiPath Visakhapatnam and now it’s time to put your skills to the test.

Are you ready for #10 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint , crafted together with @pathrudu and @AutomationX_by_Kiran and with the help of @loredana_ifrim & @Ana_Bulhac ? Let’s level up your UiPath skills! :rocket:

:point_down: Here is the Challenge #10 we have in store for you :confetti_ball::

  • USE CASE 19

Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis


To analyze customer reviews for a restaurant and classify them as positive, negative, or neutral using sentiment analysis with UiPath AI Center and Studio.


  1. Read Data from Excel
  2. Create Sentiment Analysis Skill in AI Center
  3. Use ML Skill in Studio
  4. Add Sentiment and Confidence Scores to Excel
  • USE CASE 20

Extract and Validate Invoice Data Using UiPath Document Understanding


To extract and validate data from invoices using UiPath Document Understanding and automate the processing workflow.


  1. Upload and Load Invoice Documents
  2. Extract Invoice Data
  3. Validate the Extracted Data
  4. Write Validated Data to Excel
  5. Exception Handling

Data.zip (45.7 KB)

:date: Event Date: Today onwards!

:timer_clock: Deadline : Quiz submissions must be submitted no later than the 2024-09-28T20:59:00Z, your time-zone!

Scoring System

  • All submissions earn one star :star2: for participation, regardless of correctness.
  • Correct solutions/Quiz answers receive 5 stars :star2:.
  • The most creative/best practice solution earns an additional maximum 5 stars :star2:.

Feel free to dive into our Beginners Learning Challenge #1 above :point_up_2: and begin sharing your creative submissions.

Thank you and good luck,

UiPath Community


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 10/10 :white_check_mark:

Completed two exciting use cases: AI Center Sentiment Analysis and Document Understanding Invoice Extraction.

I’m truly grateful to the incredible MVP experts for providing this chance to expand my skills and knowledge.:rocket:

Excited for continued growth and collaboration ahead!

uipath rpa automation ai Center document Understanding #Sentiment Analysis invoice #Day10

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrimspace @deepak.rai6 @Ana_Bulhac @pradeep_ch :dizzy:

AICenter_Usecase19.zip (13.8 KB)

DU_Usecase20.zip (60.9 KB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 10 Completed! :rocket:
Successfully completed Day 10 of the 20 Use Cases Challenge! :tada:

Sentiment Analysis Restaurant Review
Leveraging AI to analyze and categorize sentiments was truly fascinating. The AI Center’s capabilities made it easy to perform analysis on text data, providing insights without the need for custom training.

Document Understanding with the Invoice ML Model:
This challenge showed the power of UiPath’s pre-trained models. With the Invoice ML model, extracting data from invoices was seamless, saving time by eliminating the need for custom training. It’s impressive how much can be accomplished with the predefined models!

these challenges helped me dive deeper into AI/ML capabilities and document understanding automation, showcasing just how transformative these tools can be. :star2:

Looking forward to more such learning opportunities and to applying these skills in real-world automation scenarios! :bulb:

A big thank you to the MVP experts for their continuous support, insightful sessions, and for providing this amazing platform to showcase and refine our skills. :raised_hands:
Thanks @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim

#UiPathCommunity #AutomationLearning aicenter documentunderstanding #MLModels #SentimentAnalysis #InvoiceAutomation #20UseCasesChallenge

AI_Center_SentimentAnalysis_Usecase19.zip (168.6 KB)
DU_Invoices_AICenter_Usecase20.zip (271.3 KB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:
Day 10/10 :white_check_mark:
I delved into two fascinating use cases: AI Center and DU.
Usecase19-AICenter.zip (151.9 KB)
usecase20-DU.zip (254.2 KB)
I’m immensely thankful to the outstanding MVP experts for offering me this invaluable opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge :rocket:
Eagerly anticipating more growth and collaboration ahead!
UiPath rpa automation #SemanticActivities #TableExtraction #LearningSprint #Day10
Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

:sparkles: Successfully completed Day 10 of our hands-on learning sprint! :fire:

:white_check_mark: I tackled two exciting use cases—pushing the boundaries of automation!

This immersive session, led by UiPath MVP experts, provided invaluable, hands-on training that’s already taking our skills to the next level. :bulb:

Let’s continue to grow and sharpen our automation expertise! :muscle:

UseCase19_Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis.zip (194.0 KB)

UseCase20_Extract Invoice Data Using Document Understanding.zip (270.7 KB)

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch @deepak.rai6


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 10 Accomplished! :white_check_mark:

:memo: Tackled two exciting use cases: Sentiment Analysis for Restaurant Reviews and Document Understanding with the Invoice ML Model.

A huge thanks to the organizers for curating together this fantastic series of 20 use cases. Your efforts have truly made a difference in my learning journey! :raised_hands:

@pathrudu @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran @loredana_ifrim

UseCase19_RestaurantReviewSentimentAnalysis.zip (164.7 KB)
UseCase20_DU_InvoiceExtraction.zip (365.5 KB)


Hi All,

Successfully completed the Day-10 Use_Cases :white_check_mark:


RestaurentReview_SentimentAnalysis.zip (183.1 KB)

Invoice_Validation_Extraction_DU.zip (279.6 KB)

@Hyperautomation-ai , @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch



:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 10/10 :white_check_mark:

Completed two exciting use cases: AI Center Sentiment Analysis

JitendraSaroj_Usecase 19_SentimentAnalysis.zip (14.0 KB)

Document Understanding Invoice Extraction.

JitendraSaroj_Usecase 20_InvoiceDataExtraction.zip (61.6 KB)


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 10 of 10: Hands-on Learning Sprint Complete! :slightly_smiling_face:

Successfully attempted USE CASE 20: Extract and Validate Invoice Data Using UiPath Document Understanding

Thank you @Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , @deepak.rai6 and @loredana_ifrim for this opportunity.

UseCase_20_InvoiceDataExtraction_DU.zip (60.7 KB)


Hi Community,

Thanks @loredana_ifrim @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu for great sessions.

Use Case - 19 Solution
RestaurantSentimentalAnalysis.xaml (13.3 KB

Use Case - 20 Solution
InvoiceExtractionProcess.xaml (56.8 KB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 10/10 :white_check_mark: What a journey it has been!

:bulb: Today, I tackled two exciting use cases focusing on Sentiment Analysis and Data Extraction using Document Understanding. The hands-on experience provided by the UiPath MVP experts has been transformative!

:star2: Completing this sprint has truly elevated my automation skills, and I’m excited to apply these learnings to future projects.

Thank you to everyone involved for making this experience so rewarding! :muscle:

@AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @Hyperautomation-ai

uipath rpa #SentimentAnalysis documentunderstanding automation #LearningSprint #Day10
Sentiment_Usecase.zip (160.1 KB)
Invoice_DU.zip (237.7 KB)

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