:Raising_hand_woman: 🙋‍♂️ Unlock the Future: #8 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint

:rocket: Dear Community enthusiasts, are you up to Unlock the Future further?

Virtual series day 8 happened today : See Unlock the Future: Join the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 8 at UiPath Visakhapatnam and now it’s time to put your skills to the test.

Are you ready for #8 Challenge from the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint , crafted together with @pradeep_ch , @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu and with the help of @loredana_ifrim & @Ana_Bulhac ? Let’s level up your UiPath skills! :rocket:

:point_down: Here is the Challenge #8 we have in store for you :confetti_ball::

  • USE CASE 15

RPA Challenge Form Filling

Automate the Filling of the form though Excel Data

Problem Statement:
Manual data entry into web or desktop forms is a time-consuming and error-prone process, especially when dealing with large datasets. In many organizations, employees spend significant time filling out forms for various purposes, such as registration, surveys, customer data input, or application processing. This repetitive task not only increases the chances of human error but also leads to inefficiencies in workflows.

To design and implement an automated solution that can extract data from Excel sheets and seamlessly populate the respective fields in a web or desktop form. This automation will reduce manual effort, eliminate data entry errors, and improve overall efficiency in the data submission process.

  • USE CASE 16

Automating Data Entry in CRM Applications Using Excel

To develop an automation solution that extracts relevant data from Excel spreadsheets and automatically populates fields within the CRM application. This automation aims to enhance data accuracy, minimize manual entry efforts, streamline workflow processes, and ensure timely updates to customer records. By integrating Excel data directly into the CRM system, organizations can significantly improve operational efficiency and maintain better data integrity for informed business decisions.

Problem Statement:
Data entry into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications is often a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, especially when handling large datasets. Sales and marketing teams frequently encounter challenges such as duplicate entries, human errors, and inconsistent data formats when inputting customer information, lead details, and interaction logs manually. These challenges can lead to delays in accessing up-to-date customer information, negatively impacting decision-making and customer relationship management.

:date: Event Date: Today onwards!

:timer_clock: Deadline : Quiz submissions must be submitted no later than the 2024-09-26T20:59:00Z, your time-zone!

Scoring System

  • All submissions earn one star :star2: for participation, regardless of correctness.
  • Correct solutions/Quiz answers receive 5 stars :star2:.
  • The most creative/best practice solution earns an additional maximum 5 stars :star2:.

Feel free to dive into our Beginners Learning Challenge #1 above :point_up_2: and begin sharing your creative submissions.

Thank you and good luck,

UiPath Community


Can you please share the CRM app and Excel sheet,


Hi @deepak.rai6, @pathrudu @AutomationX_by_Kiran - Do we have recording link of the previous sessions. If so please let me know. It would be helpful. TIA


I’ve successfully completed
USECASE 15: RPA Challenge Form Filling.
Usecase15-UiAutomationRPAChallenge.zip (323.8 KB)
USE CASE 16 :Automating Data Entry in CRM Applications Using Excel
Usecase16-MyCRM.zip (254.1 KB)
A huge thank you to the incredible team who made this possible: @loredana_ifrim, @pathrudu, @pradeep_ch, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, and @deepak.rai6! Your dedication and hard work are truly appreciated.
#Teamwork #Success #Innovation #Gratitude


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 8/10 :white_check_mark:

Today, I successfully completed two exciting use cases: Web Form Filling and CRM Automation.

A big thank you to the amazing MVP experts for this incredible opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge. :rocket:

Looking forward to more growth and collaboration in the days ahead!

#LearningSprint #Day8 uipath rpa automation uiautomation#Desktop Automation web Automation

Special thanks to @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu, @loredana_ifrim, @deepak.rai6, and @pradeep_ch :star2:

REF_FormFilling - Usecase15.zip (966.3 KB)

CRM_Usecase16.zip (18.6 KB)


Sample.xlsx (9.9 KB)

APP-CRM&AnyTeller.zip (131.0 KB)


Thanks @Aditi_Indoriya :+1:


Today, I completed two exciting use cases: Dynamic Form Filling and CRM Automation.

A big thank you to the amazing MVP experts for this incredible opportunity to expand my skills and knowledge. :rocket:

Looking forward to more growth and collaboration in the days ahead!

#LearningSprint #Day8 uipath rpa automation uiautomation#Desktop Automation web Automation

Special thanks to @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @pathrudu, @loredana_ifrim, @deepak.rai6, and @pradeep_ch :star2:

JitendraSaroj_Data Entry_CRM Applications.zip (41.1 KB)

JitendraSaroj_UseCase 15_RPA Challenge.zip (30.1 KB)


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 8/10 :white_check_mark:
:memo: Solve two exciting use cases: Dynamic Form Filling and CRM Application Automation. :star2:

A huge shoutout to the UiPath MVP experts for their exceptional guidance. :pray:
@pathrudu @deepak.rai6 @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran

UseCase15_RPAChallenge.zip (374.5 KB)
UseCase16_DataEntryinCRM.zip (834.7 KB)


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

:sparkles: Successfully completed Day 8 of our hands-on learning sprint! :fire:

:white_check_mark: I tackled two exciting use cases—pushing the boundaries of automation!

This immersive session, led by UiPath MVP experts, provided invaluable, hands-on training that’s already taking our skills to the next level. :bulb:

Excited for the next challenge in this incredible journey! Let’s continue to grow and sharpen our automation expertise! :muscle:

UseCase15_RPA Challenge Form Filling.zip (222.6 KB)
UseCase16_CRM Application Automation.zip (118.5 KB)

Thank you @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @loredana_ifrim @pradeep_ch @deepak.rai6


:rocket: Leveling Up: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint - Day 8 Challenge :rocket:

successfully completed two powerful use cases in the Day 8 challenge of the 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint! :tada:


Hi All,
Successfully completed the Day-8 Use_cases .:white_check_mark:

UiAutomationRPAChallenge.zip (869.0 KB)

DataEntryCRM.zip (393.7 KB)

@Hyperautomation-ai ,@loredana_ifrim , @pathrudu, @pradeep_ch, @AutomationX_by_Kiran, @Ana_Bulhac and @deepak.rai6!



Please use the same link u have registered , all the recordings are uploaded


Hi Community

Thanks @loredana_ifrim @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pradeep_ch @pathrudu
for good session

Use Case - 15 Solution
RPAChallengeFormFilling.xaml (34.7 KB)

User Case - 16 Solution
CRMAutomationProcess.xaml (106.9 KB)


:rocket: Unlocking the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 8 of 10: Hands-on Learning Sprint Complete! :slightly_smiling_face:

Successfully attempted 02 use cases. :handshake:

USE CASE 15: RPA Challenge Form Filling

USE CASE 16: Automating Data Entry in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Applications Using Excel

Thank you @Hyperautomation-ai @pradeep_ch @AutomationX_by_Kiran , @pathrudu , @deepak.rai6 and @loredana_ifrim for this opportunity.

RPA Challenge Form Filling.zip (29.8 KB)
Automating Data Entry in CRM Applications Using Excel.zip (43.3 KB)



Here is the excel file
Sample.xlsx (11.1 KB). However, I am unable to upload app because of platform restriction.

Best Regards,
Deepak R.


Thank you @deepak.rai6 for sharing the excel.
i got the other files from google.


:rocket: Unlock the Future: 20 Use Cases Challenge Learning Sprint :rocket:

Day 8/10 :white_check_mark: Another fantastic hands-on session completed!

:desktop_computer: Solved two exciting use cases today, focusing on Anchor and Desktop Automation—continuing to build essential RPA skills.

:mortar_board: Big thanks to the UiPath MVP experts for the immersive and practical approach. The learning experience has been invaluable so far!

Looking forward to the remaining sessions! :muscle:

uipath rpa #AnchorAutomation #DesktopAutomation automation #LearningSprint #Day8

@deepak.rai6 @AutomationX_by_Kiran @pathrudu @pradeep_ch @Hyperautomation-ai
RPA Challenge Form Filling.zip (502.8 KB)
MyCRM.zip (779.9 KB)

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